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ACCE Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Q: What is ACCE?
    A: ACCE stands for Access to Community College Education. ACCE is an economic development 公共/私人合作伙伴关系,使大学到高中和家庭都可以免债务 schooled graduates by funding 十大网赌软件推荐 tuition for two years. With the support of ACCE, students will 从十大网赌软件推荐毕业准备加入劳动力市场或转学到四年制大学没有 college debt. ACCE supports as many students as possible based on student need and funds available for the program. Students who receive ACCE funding also participate in volunteer service in their community.
  • Q: Do I qualify for ACCE funds?
    A: Visit 8hxv.sycdih.com/acce for a list of qualifications.
  • Q: How do I apply for ACCE funds?
    A: To apply for ACCE, visit 8hxv.sycdih.com/acce,点击“学生ACCE申请”,完成您所在地区的申请.
  • 问:我的父母或监护人可以与十大网赌软件推荐的教职员工讨论我的ACCE状态吗?
    A: No. FERPA(家庭教育权利和隐私法)不允许我们与其他任何人讨论您的学术和经济援助状况. 如果您希望您的父母/监护人与十大网赌软件推荐工作人员讨论您的ACCE状态, 学生必须通过十大网赌软件推荐招生和记录办公室签署并提交FERPA同意发布教育记录表格. http://8hxv.sycdih.com/admissions/pdf/studentinformationreleaseform.pdf
  • Q: When should I start/finish my volunteer service hours?
    A: Volunteer service hours will begin after high school graduation. 在被ACCE项目录取后,学生将获得有关志愿者服务时间的信息. 在ACCE项目中,学生每年将完成80个小时(贾尔斯县为100个小时).
  • Q: Where can I complete my required ACCE community service?
    A: ACCE community service is managed and assigned by individual localities. 所有社区服务问题请直接向以下人士提问:
  • 问:我可以用联邦财政援助奖来支付教科书和额外学分的费用,然后用ACCE资助来支付学费吗?
    A: All federal financial aid awards must be applied toward tuition first. ACCE基金将支付联邦财政援助之外的任何额外学费,最多15个学分. Students who receive full federal financial aid will not receive ACCE funds. Tuition costs beyond 15 credits and other related college expenses, including textbooks and supplies, are the responsibility of the student.
  • 问:作为ACCE学生,我是否有资格获得十大网赌软件推荐教育基金会奖学金?
    A: No. Students can apply for both Foundation Scholarships and ACCE funds, but students cannot receive both awards. 基金会工作人员将审查申请,并根据哪个机会对学生更有利而给予资助.
  • 问:我可以用校外奖学金来支付书本费和额外学分吗?
    A: Yes! 鼓励学生申请十大网赌软件推荐以外的奖学金,可用于15学分学费以外的任何费用, including books and related college supplies. 当地高中的高中辅导员和十大网赌软件推荐职业教练应该有一份可用的校外奖学金机会清单.
  • Q: May I communicate with 十大网赌软件推荐 faculty and staff using my personal email?
    A: As a high school student applying for the ACCE program, 十大网赌软件推荐基金会办公室工作人员可以通过ACCE申请中提供的个人电子邮件帐户与学生沟通. However, after June 1 (upon high school graduation), we can only contact you using your 十大网赌软件推荐 student email account. 如果您在登录十大网赌软件推荐电子邮件帐户时遇到问题,请联系十大网赌软件推荐帮助台 nr4help@sycdih.com or call (540) 674-3600, ext. 4400.
  • 问:如果我错过了ACCE提交申请或其他所需文件的截止日期,会发生什么?
    A: All ACCE deadlines are published online at 8hxv.sycdih.com/acce. 在公布的截止日期过后,申请或其他文件将不被接受. 如果学生错过了截止日期,将失去参加ACCE项目的资格.
  • 问:我可以休学一年,然后再回来参加ACCE项目吗?
    A: No. 学生不能休息一年或一个学期,仍然参加ACCE. 所有学生必须在高中毕业或完成家庭学校课程后的秋季学期开始ACCE课程.
  • Q: Who do I contact with questions about my FAFSA?
    答:对FAFSA或联邦财政援助有疑问的学生应联系基金会办公室的Katie Brown,电话:540-674-3618或十大网赌软件推荐财政援助办公室(540)674-3600, ext. 4279 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
  • Q: Who do I contact with questions about class schedule changes?
    答:如果学生对课程安排有疑问,请在工作时间内致电(540)674-3609与十大网赌软件推荐咨询办公室联系, 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Students may also contact their 十大网赌软件推荐 advisor.
  • 问:家庭学校和私立学校的学生可以参加ACCE项目吗?
    A: Yes! 家庭学校学生和私立学校学生都可以参加ACCE项目, 但他们必须从毕业班开始参加该项目,并能够提交有效的高中成绩单,累计平均绩点为2分.5 or above. They must live in one of the 5 participating localities. Your homeschool/private school career coach is Matt Spring, mspring@sycdih.com.
  • 问:如果我为参加ACCE计划的学区支付学费,我可以参加ACCE计划吗, but I live in a locality that does not participate in the program?
    A: No. ACCE的资格仅基于在参与地区的居住(Giles), Floyd, Montgomery, and Pulaski Counties and Radford City). 如果学生不住在参与地区,他们就没有资格参加ACCE计划. 如果学生住在参与地区,但在参与地区以外的学校上学, that student will still be eligible for ACCE because of residency location. However, 学生需要在居住的县/市申请ACCE项目, not based on the high school they attend.
  • 问:我可以在第一年就读另一所学院/大学,然后转到十大网赌软件推荐,并在大学第二年参加ACCE计划吗?
    A: No. 所有学生必须在高中毕业或完成家庭学校课程的那一年开始参加ACCE课程.
  • 问:我无法访问我的十大网赌软件推荐电子邮件帐户来回复4月1日的接受邮件.
    答:如果您在过去一年内没有在十大网赌软件推荐注册,您的十大网赌软件推荐电子邮件帐户是无效的. We send the April 1st acceptance email to every email on file from your application. 请使用您的个人电子邮件帐户与基金会办公室联系. 当您作为ACCE学生注册课程时,您的十大网赌软件推荐电子邮件将被激活. After registering for classes, please begin using your 十大网赌软件推荐 email account instead of your personal account. 如果您在登录十大网赌软件推荐电子邮件帐户时遇到问题,请联系十大网赌软件推荐帮助台 nr4help@sycdih.com or call (540) 674-3600, ext. 4400.


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  •  Dublin, VA 24084
  •  (540) 674-3600
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  •  Christiansburg, VA 24073
  •  (540) 674-3610
  •  Fax: (540) 381-7128
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